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Hey! I am Erwin, the
dude behind Love With Death!

From Electrician to Computer Scientist to Content Creator.

The fascinating world of electrical devices has always captivated me – their functionality, their inner workings, and their contribution to modern life. Following this fascination, I embarked on my professional journey as an electrician and successfully completed this training. During this time, I acquired comprehensive knowledge of electrical systems in the household domain, be it telemetry or electrical engineering.

However, that wasn’t enough for me. My thirst for knowledge propelled me further. I wanted to delve deeper into the realm of technology and learn more about the complex devices that revolutionize our everyday lives, such as computers, servers, and much more.

Now, the jurney begin as Content Creator.

Behind the Scenes: The Inspiration Behind Our Works

The essence of my work lies in the symbiosis of technology, nature, and music. These three elements have always accompanied and inspired me on my journey. Through my images and videos, I aim not only to provide aesthetic pleasures but also to bridge the gap between the modern world and the natural beauty surrounding us. May my art contribute to bringing a touch of nature and melody into every space, invigorating the senses.


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Erwin Schmucki

CEO, Content Creator

GoPro 10 BLACK

Action Camera

Canon EOS 1300D

SLR camera

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We, GCCM Schmucki (Registered business address: Switzerland), process personal data for the operation of this website only to the extent technically necessary. All details in our privacy policy.