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Dive into the enchanting story behind our first design and masterpiece, “Frozen ENIGMA.” This artwork invites you to immerse yourself in a world of beauty, dreaminess, and elegance, captivating you with its magical allure.

The inspiration for “Frozen ENIGMA” emerged from a mesmerizing scene in outer space. Imagine yourself aboard a spacecraft, gliding through the vast expanse. In the distance, a colossal explosion illuminates the otherwise dark and cerulean cosmos with a crimson glow. Beyond your ship’s window, the frigid temperatures cause the scarce water particles to crystallize into delicate ice formations. It is at this moment that a hauntingly beautiful gothic metal melody captivates your senses, transporting you into a realm of reverie. It is this atmosphere and emotional depth that the designer sought to capture with “Frozen ENIGMA.”

The genesis of “Frozen ENIGMA” dates back many years, specifically to the winter of 2013. During this time, the designer stood at the precipice of their career path, contemplating and daydreaming about what the future held. It was during this period of introspection that the image of “Frozen ENIGMA” materialized within their mind’s eye, evoking a profound connection. Driven by an urgent need to preserve this vision, the designer meticulously transcribed the image onto paper. However, creating the initial design proved to be a laborious process, as the designer had limited knowledge of software tools like Photoshop at the time. Undeterred by the challenge, they channeled their passion and determination into breathing life into the design.

The musical accompaniment played a pivotal role throughout the creation of “Frozen ENIGMA.” The designer drew inspiration from various gothic metal songs, including those by Evanescence, Within Temptation, and Nightwish. The distinct melodies and melancholic undertones of this genre permeated their being, igniting their creativity. These haunting tunes helped the designer articulate the ethereal atmosphere and emotions they sought to convey with “Frozen ENIGMA,” infusing the design with a profound sense of allure.

“Frozen ENIGMA” is the culmination of these influences, dreams, and challenges. It is an artwork that beckons you to dream and linger, encouraging you to find inner tranquility. This design aims to inspire you to forge a connection with your own aspirations and passions, embarking on a journey of self-discovery. Immerse yourself in the magic of “Frozen ENIGMA” and allow its beauty and elegance to enchant you.

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GCCM Schmucki, Owner: Erwin Schmucki (Registered business address: Switzerland), processes personal data only to the extent strictly necessary for the operation of this website. All details in the privacy policy.